Pada postingan kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh report text tentang buah pisang. Sebelumnya akan saya jelaskan secara singkat pengertian tentang report text. Report text adalah salah satu teks dalam bahasa inggris yang menjelaskan sesuatu secara general atau umum. Lalu apa bedanya dengan descriptive text ?
Seperti yang sudah disebut diawal, report text menjelaskan sesuatu secara umum. Contoh judul report text adalah bananas, durian, floods, earthquakes dan sebagainya. Sedangkan descriptive text menjelaskan sesuatu secara khusus. Pada report text penjabaran yang dilakukan berdasarkan penelitian ilmiah atau fakta. Contoh judul descriptive text adalah my beloved dog; my best friend, Budi dan sebagainya. Dari pengertian dan contoh judulnya kita bisa melihat bahwa kedua text tersebut walaupun sama-sama menjelaskan tentang suatu hal, tetapi keduanya memiliki perbedaan.
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Berikut ini Contoh Report Text tentang Buah Pisang dalam Bahasa Inggris :

The history of bananas is pretty exciting, since they are the result of a genetic mutation that evolved into a staple food of our society. in fact, bananas are probably the most widespread fruit crop in the whole world. For example, you will learn that the most widespread species-the "Cavendish" banana-was named after the Duke of Devonshire's family! Today they are known for their sweet taste, good nutritional properties with their high content in potassium and fibres (and vitamins such as B6, C, and A), and best of all their ease of use; just peel and eat!
It is important to note that the real banana tree is actually a fruit that must be cooked before eating. It has a green, red, or brown color and has seed: it is today the staple food of many African populations and is different from the bananas we are used to eating. The original banana is a cultivar used as a food (cooked or ground to make banana flour) and as a source of fibre. Banana leaves are also used to wrap food or as umbrellas (since they are large and waterproof).
The yellow bananas we eat today are a cross between the green and the red banana trees (species Musa acuminate or the hybrid Musa x paradisiaca), and this cross is sterile (hence the lack of seeds in the banana).
There have been numerous studies showing the health benefits of banana, and it has been proven that this fruit is very convenient, both for its ease of consumption (especially in a fast-paced work environment) and for its nutritional properties.
Itulah Contoh Report Text Tentang Buah Pisang Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat untuk Anda...
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